Yeah I did that.  and it seems to have worked, but hat one measure it is still 
complaining even though it is correct. I hate this piece lol! Ah well. I'll get 
this done.
On Mar 1, 2013, at 2:43 PM, Matthew Collett <> wrote:

> On 2/03/2013, at 11:29 am, Sarah k Alawami <> wrote:
>> There are a flat and a naturals and stuff all over the place so if I just 
>> write
>> g4 a g4. f8 e4 |
>> How will it know to write an a flat not an a natural? 
> It won't.  'a' means A-natural.  If the note is actually an A-flat, then you 
> need to write 'aes' with the default 'nederlands' language setting, or 
> whatever the flat suffix is for the language you are using.
> Best wishes,
> Matthew

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