k. I think it's starting to click a bit. but for the naturals and stuff do I 
still mark them? I don't' want this piece to sound a mess if I ever get a 
chance to hear it lol!

Ok so how will lily pond know the difference between the 3 minors? There are a 
flat and a naturals and stuff all over the place so if I just write
g4 a g4. f8 e4 |

How will it know to write an a flat not an a natural? I did read the manual on 
this part but it still is a bit confusing especially when you have perfect 
pitch lol! I will get the hang of this.

Take care all and be blessed.

On Mar 1, 2013, at 1:54 PM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Sarah k Alawami <marri...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Ok. I know how to notate the sharps and flats but I might have missed
>> in the big manual how to notate naturals and there are a lot of them
>> in this piece.
> I think I understand your problem.  You think that aes writes a flat,
> and bis writes a sharp.  This is _not_ how LilyPond works.  Instead you
> write the pitch you want to hear.  LilyPond will decide by its own rules
> when it needs a sharp, a flat, or a natural.
> What you write as a is _always_ played on a white key, what you write as
> fis is _always_ played on a black key.
> -- 
> David Kastrup
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