Ok. I had to get rid of some a naturals that it thought  were errors. when I 
play c minor scale on the piano I often use a flat not a natural.I think this 
was what might have been tripping me up. I'll have to listen to this and see. 
No pun intended. lol!

All of you rock!
On Mar 1, 2013, at 3:56 PM, Nick Payne <nick.pa...@internode.on.net> wrote:

> On 02/03/13 09:44, Sarah k Alawami wrote:
>> Hey thanks for your explanation. it is helping a bit. how ever I think it is 
>> still complaining about this measure
>> d4 e! g4. f8 e
>> If I recall though it is 
>> d, e natural, g, f, e flat. so Do I need to mark it as an e flat at the end 
>> of that measure, the error I get is unexpected '!' and I think it is that 
>> measure it's having a connection about.
> You need to write the actual pitch that will be sounding, and ignore how the 
> key signature affects how it appears on the page. If it's an E-flat, you need 
> to write ees (or ef if using english language). And an E in the key signature 
> of C minor will display with a natural sign in front of it without needing 
> the exclamation mark.
> The prelude has already been coded in Lilypond format on the Mutopia Project 
> web site. Might be useful for you to look at that. See 
> http://www.mutopiaproject.org/cgibin/make-table.cgi?Composer=ChopinFF, which 
> has Op 28 No 20 on the page 
> (http://www.mutopiaproject.org/ftp/ChopinFF/O28/Chop-28-20/Chop-28-20.ly).
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