Yeah until I get comfortable with all of that I think I'll just write them in 
and trust the user to know that the bar after that should not have an 
accidental unless indicated.


On Mar 1, 2013, at 1:29 PM, Noeck <> wrote:

> Am 01.03.2013 21:29, schrieb Jethro Van Thuyne:
>> If you want to force the display of an accidental, you can append
>> an exclamation mark to your note, like this:
>>  e4 f e4. des8 c4 | d!4 e
>> You can also put the natural (or sharp or flat) sign between brackets,
>> by using the question mark:
>>  e4 f e4. des8 c8 | d?4 e
>> Jethro
> As a small addition: You can use the \accidentalStyle to place
> (reminder) accidentals according to fix rules. The styles modern and
> modern-cautionary give you reminder accidentals wherever in doubt (in
> the following measure). In my opinion, these are enough:
> \version "2.16.0"
> \relative c' {
>  \accidentalStyle modern    % or modern-cautionary
>  e4 f e4. des8 | c4 d4 e
> }
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