Yeah true.  Im one of those people who  need to pencil in every single one and 
I'm sure my instructor might say the  same thing.  I would hope most of them 
though are somewhat familiar with this piece even though they might not be be 
able to play it.

Thanks all. Onward and upwards.
On Mar 1, 2013, at 12:31 PM, Urs Liska <> wrote:

> Am 01.03.2013 21:29, schrieb Jethro Van Thuyne:
>> If you want to force the display of an accidental, you can append
>> an exclamation mark to your note, like this:
>>  e4 f e4. des8 c4 | d!4 e
>> You can also put the natural (or sharp or flat) sign between brackets,
>> by using the question mark:
>>  e4 f e4. des8 c8 | d?4 e
>> Jethro
> That's what I was being writing too.
> But be warned: You really shouldn't overdo this because reminder accidentals 
> tend to also confuse the player.
> I would only place them where there is a real potential for misunderstanding.
> If your score is _correct_ the players can still pencil their reminder 
> accidentals during the rehearsal.
>> Sarah k Alawami (01 Mar 2013 @ 21:23)
>>> Ok. I know how to notate the sharps and flats but I might have missed in 
>>> the big manual how to notate naturals and there are a lot of them in this 
>>> piece. For anyone familiar with the chopin prelude in c minor right hand 
>>> and possibly left hand  there are a bunch of naturals. How do I notate them 
>>> as when I hear it it will sound a mess. Here's what I have so far in the 
>>> first violin part. I really hope all note durations are right. I know the 
>>> rule about accidentals how it only as far as I recall effects the bar they 
>>> are in unless otherwise notated but I'm so picky that I want to know they 
>>> will be playing a natural in case they don't know the rule of accidentals. 
>>> My instructed was not specific weather he wanted us to orchestrate for a 
>>> amateur or pro orchestra so I'm just being over cautious.
>>> first violin part
>>> {
>>> g4 a g4. f8 e4 | e4 f e4. des8 c4 | d4 e | g4. f8 e4 | d4 g | b4. a8 g2 | 
>>> e' e d d | c d b4. a8 g4 | c aes g4. f8 e4 | e f e4. d8 c4| }
>>> I want to impress my instructor with out a headache lol! thank goodness for 
>>> perfect pitch, except for today. lol!
>>> I have some other questions but I'll address them in a new topic when I get 
>>> there. right now I'm just worried about this top part as I will be playing 
>>> those accidentals in the second violin and viola parts later.
>>> Be blessed all and thanks for your help. I'm loving this lilly pond. Now 
>>> let's hope I can grasp my head around this in time for the final project in 
>>> may so I don't have to annoy everyone and I can focus on the music.
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