Am 01.03.2013 23:29, schrieb Sarah k Alawami:
k. I think it's starting to click a bit. but for the naturals and stuff do I
still mark them? I don't' want this piece to sound a mess if I ever get a
chance to hear it lol!
Ok so how will lily pond know the difference between the 3 minors? There are a
flat and a naturals and stuff all over the place so if I just write
g4 a g4. f8 e4 |
How will it know to write an a flat not an a natural?
if you write 'a' it _is_ an a natural. That's what you ask LilyPond to
What LilyPond now does by itself is to decide whether it has to print a
natural sign for that or not.
If you have set the key to c minor (and didn't write any other music
before that could influence the decision), LilyPond will print a natural
because 'a natural' is not the usual pitch for c minor.
For LilyPond there is no difference between melodic (up/downward) or
harmonic minor.
If you write 'as' LilyPond will print nothing because that's the normal
pitch for c minor.
If you want to write (and hear) 'as' but want an extra 'flat' to be
printed (in order to avoid misunderstandings) you can write 'as!' or
'as?' to print an (superfluous) flat with or without parentheses around it.
I did read the manual on this part but it still is a bit confusing especially
when you have perfect pitch lol!
I will get the hang of this.
Take care all and be blessed.
On Mar 1, 2013, at 1:54 PM, David Kastrup <> wrote:
Sarah k Alawami <> writes:
Ok. I know how to notate the sharps and flats but I might have missed
in the big manual how to notate naturals and there are a lot of them
in this piece.
I think I understand your problem. You think that aes writes a flat,
and bis writes a sharp. This is _not_ how LilyPond works. Instead you
write the pitch you want to hear. LilyPond will decide by its own rules
when it needs a sharp, a flat, or a natural.
What you write as a is _always_ played on a white key, what you write as
fis is _always_ played on a black key.
David Kastrup
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