Sorry for the double copy, Davide, I forgot to include the list...

On 24 August 2012 22:31, Davide Liessi <> wrote:
> 2012/8/24 Davide Liessi <>:
>> Other neologisms based on "span" may sound even better and be equally
>> not evocative.
> Of course I meant "even worse" instead of "even better".

Thanks for your input.

Yes, "ponte" already has a musical meaning (in fact, the musical term
"bridge" in English)

I also found that a spannatrice, a desperate attempt to invent a
meaningless imported word, means a machine for separating milk from
cream as part of butter-making. :-o

I'm not sure that it's worth trying to find a term that encapsulates
the meaning of the term as accurately as possible using existing
language terms, because the term itself is lilypond-internals-specific
and the concept does not exist in everyday language, but only in the
context of lilypond typesetting internals.

In normal translation, you find the closest cultural match in the
existing language already in use.
In this case, it seems more important to use a term that says "I am a
technical term and you probably don't know what I mean" than to try
and explain in one word what a "lilypond spanner" is, with the risk of
giving the illusion of having grasped the concept (ah.. it's a door
lintel, or an extender, or a bridge part... or a
demister/butter-maker/monkey-wrench :)


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