On 9 December 2011 23:40, m...@apollinemike.com <m...@apollinemike.com> wrote:
> Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
> This is one of those situations that falls into the "uncertain
> desired output" category.
> Shifting the dynamic to the left or right dissociates it from the
> note, and whiting it out covers up a good portion of the stem.

Mmh, this is the same "uncertain desired output" that is preventing an
automated solution in the case of DynamicText colliding with SpanBar?

> It'd be not-very-hard to drum up an automated solution, but what
> we're really missing are examples from the literature.  If you have
> time to peruse scores from reputable editors and send us examples,
> we can work from that.

Maybe if there is no "standard best solution", LilyPond could at least
emit a Warning: collision when it occurs, isn't it?
Would this be ("easily", i.e. not something that would require a big
amount of time for a talented developer like you) possible?


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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