On 9 December 2011 15:30, Caio Barros <caio.bar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't know if this is old news but it seems that the dynamics texts clash
> with the stems of cross-staff knee beams:
> \version "2.12.3"
> \new GrandStaff <<
>   \new Staff = "PnRH" {
>     \clef "F_8"
>     \relative g,, {
>       \override Beam #'auto-knee-gap = #1
>       gis8 \fff \change Staff = "PnLH" a, \fff \change Staff = "PnRH" r4
>     }
>   }
>   \new Staff = "PnLH" { \clef "F_8" { s4 r4 } }
> >>
> got an arrow on the knee...

At least there is a "Known issues and warnings" referencing

  Beam collision avoidance does not work for automatic beams that end
  right before a change in staff. In this case use manual beams.

in NR 2.2.1 Common notation for keyboards > Changing staff manually .

But it does not mention stem (and apparently using manual beams does
not solve the collision here).

Cc: to Mike, IIRC he worked on that collision avoidance (in the case of
changing staff), he could maybe say more about it.


Xavier Scheuer <x.sche...@gmail.com>

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