søn, 2004-04-18 kl. 15:20 skrev Jan Nieuwenhuizen:
> Oddgeir Finstad writes:
> > When I ran the file you suggested, it gave me this
> > output - without and with --verbose:
> >
> > 1.
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] lilypond]$ lilypond kodefiler/test.ly
> > lilypond (GNU LilyPond) 2.2.0
> > Running lilypond-bin...
> > Now processing `kodefiler/test.ly'
> > Parsing...
> > > > /home/oddgeir/lilypond/kodefiler/test.ly:2:0: error: parse error,
> > unexpected $,
> > expecting SCM_T or SCM_IDENTIFIER or STRING or '}':
> > > > latexpackages="t1enc"
> > Failed files: kodefiler/test.ly
> I do not understand.
> > Not quite what I hoped for.
> Yes, I quite understand. Could you please double check that you have
> the exactly the same input that I sent before:
> \header{
> latexpackages="t1enc"
> }
> \score{
> <<
> \notes\relative c' {
> a4 a a a a a a a
> }
> \lyricsto "" \new Lyrics \lyrics {
> \override LyricText #'font-name = #"ecrb12"
> Han f\o -- rer d\o {} - dens s\aa g\aa r
> }
> >>
> }
> md5sum scan.ly
> 93bf46e4a58f56cbe1e8a8f063d4f082 scan.ly
> I don't want to annoy you, but I double checked with lilypond-2.2.0
> again, and it works for me.
> > Thank you for a great application, by the way. The very first climb was
> > extremely steep, but as I have become more and more familiar with the
> > doc, it does most of what I want very neatly. Except for lyrics in my
> > native language.
> Can you still remember what the most difficult thing was?
> Jan.

Yes I can. I'll post a little about my problems as a novice in a separate mail.

As for the input file: Yes, as far as I could see it was identical. I had copied it from your mail and pasted it into gedit, which is the editor I have been using (still fond of mice). But then, just for the experiment, I deleted that file and pasted your input into Emacs. And the file compiled neatly. I lost the r in"g\aa r",though, and that's part of the original problem.

I don't quite understand how to use the md5sum you sent. I believe that my problem lies somwhere in TeX, though. I'll do some studying and see what I can find out.

I'm not annoyed at all, by the way, but extremely grateful for your help.

This mail should have been sent earlier today, but my mail program started to act a little weird (I have switched to Mozillamail now), and I had to go for a performance with my choir.


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