First it's a LSA, and second, you can't possibly be serious about "dangerous" 
landings in a motorglider with 27 foot wings.

  We regularly land gliders with 40 to 60 foot wingspans, with and without 
motors, in 20 to 30 mile an hour crosswinds. Yes you do need some training, but 
its not dangerous at all.

  Here's a link to the info on the KR-1b, it looks as if it meets the LSA 
requirement without mods, if I understand the LSA requirement.

  All KR's are small, but most are not speedy.

  Denny ...

Kevin Angus <> wrote:
  KR1-B is E-LSA compliant. 

On another list a builder modified his low-wing aircraft with 24" longer
wings and flaps to bring the stall to 51mph then he found out that the
aircraft was very hard (spell dangerous) to land in gusty conditions. 

But I digress, the KRn aircraft were designed to be speedy small planes
(except the KR1-B).

E-LSA has a MAX speed of 138mph.

I don't see the point in making a speedy small plane into a slow small
plane, there are already plenty of slow small planes.

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