Each KR is a unique aircraft not a production a/c or ELSA production. Everyone 
sees that the LSA exceed the FAA weights, speed V max & V stall and as far as I 
can see the FAA doesn't really make anyone PROVE that the "numbers" conform. 
Its just hype! So that in reality someone can make a "resembling, KR" a ELSA 
and license it that way. And because it has never been a production a/c it IS 
and Experimental LSA it can practically described as LSA and function beyond 
the limits published  example is ANY LSA exceed the specs: now just as the 
ULtra lights became HEAVY FAR 103's the facts are history and I challenge any 
rhetoric comments to the making of all "resembling, KR's" officially ELSA if 
that builder wants it that way!

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