D F Lively wrote:
> Steve:
> If you have access to a plotter and replace a pen with a carefully
> set up cutter( some plotters have them redy made) you can cut
> stickers, paint mask and the like.  That is how they make the
> painting Mask for the big boys!  I went thru Douglas aircraft in long
> Beach while in school and watched them make one fore a DC-10.

Don't have access to one, but I figure a router is just a plotter with a Z 
axis ;) My next project will be a plotter, though. I want to be able to 
print full size prints and the design I have in mind would be able to print 
48" wide by as long as the roll of paper.
N3343V- '75 C150M
N205FT- KR1 #6170
He who seeks will find, and he who knocks will be let in. 

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