For the past year or so we've been house shopping since what we have now is just barely adequate for housing the family. Garage is wall to wall stuff thanks to my office being built into it, so little room for a huge table. This morning we made an offer on a place with, among other things, a 3 car garage and a huge office. So if things work out right I'll actually get to start building in the fall. The 3rd bay is an addition to the original garage, with finished walls and benches on both sides, so it'll be a perfect spot for my new toy, a 60 x 24 CNC router :) Airfoil templates are going to be a piece of cake and insanely accurate.
Off to bed with me now. Have to get up and fly halfway across Texas for an annual in the morning. The things we do to save $900... ;) -- Steve N3343V- '75 C150M N205FT- KR1 #6170 He who seeks will find, and he who knocks will be let in.