no flat place that will accommodate a 36 in diameter ground plane It would be nice to know the requirements before buying stuff like this.
++++++++++++++++++++ I am not sure that the ground plain needs to be perfectly flat - I have seen some that have consisted of 3/4" wide brass or copper strip laid out in a cross with the Antenna in the centre. Better to do an installation that provides the best possible signal propagation Dan - you never know where you may be if you ever need to be found. On a few occasions now we have (as fellow pilots) used the ELT signal to find a missing airplane by flying through the antenna radiation "cone" in different directions and using the strongest signal on each pass as the centre. The problem has always been to find the signal in the first place. Fortunately, in each case we were had an international flight passing overhead with a Rx on the emergency channel - each time they have heard it first and given us a fix. (the "cone" must be huge at FL350) Steve J Zambia