I was reading my Terra TX-760D manual today, and it stated an absolute minimum of 21 inches to any other vertical antenna. Fortunately my rudder cables miss it by at least a half inch, so I should be safe there! Maybe that's where the squealing in my headset is coming from every time I key the mic!
More on that as I figure it out, but suffice it to say I'm breadboarding my radio away from the plane in an effort to figure out what the deal is. Grounds are all OK, but I didn't notice from the schematic that the mic and headphone lines were supposed to be shielded, so a rewire may be in my future, or at least adding a shield to those lines. My deadline is gradually slipping away... Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama N56ML "at" hiwaay.net see KR2S project at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford