>The spacing on the elevator horn and the controll stick are the same, I have >turnbuckles at the controll stick end for adjustment. I can get 20 down and >30 up, but the control stick is so far back in position when achieving the >30 up, that it seems abnormal. >Bob Sauer +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
It seems to me that the entire system has a 1:1 mechanical advantage so you will have to move the stick 30 degrees each way (forward and back) of center to get a 30 degree deflection of the elevator. I used the stick hitting the spar as the forward limit on my stick travel and adjusted the elevator cable to the down limit at that position. I use a cut-out in my fiberglass seat as the stick back limiter at the max up position. My hard stops for the ailerons on on the stick assembly. 30 degrees up/down under normal flight conditions will be "abnormal". Under most flying conditions you won't move the control stick more then an inch off center except on the ground before you get to flying speed. The system must be capable of reaching the deflection limits called for in the plans for any recovery maneuvers at low airspeeds in flight. Larry Flesner