
On Wed, 21 Mar 2001 13:27:41 CST, "Ms. Piglet" writes:
>...... The second one is fine....if you're dealing with an utter
>newbie, "ideal" might actually be a variant on #2: "Go RTFM, and if you
>don't understand it when you've read it and poked at it a bit, come back and
>we'll see if we can clarify it."

hm, let me try to phrase it the right way (sorry, english != my mother 
tongue) - what you just said is more like I meant it... see, I'm pretty 
active/vocal on IRC... when you direct ppl to a howto 
(which mostly are good and answer a lot of questions) and after they 
supposedly read it and keep asking the same questions over and over 
again (the ones -definitely- answered in that howto) it can result in a 
"goddamn, RTFM AGAIN, it's all in there" from my side... I'm absolutely 
ok with ppl reading and asking specific questions like "ok, I got part 
of that, but this <blah> is not really clear to me yet, can you help?". 
maybe it's a side effect of wanting to help many ppl at more or less 
the same time and that it's "instant" stuff going on (does that make 

my best friend who got me into linux some two years ago actually 
"educated" me that way, go out and try to find all available 
documentation, if you don't get any further come and ask SPECIFIC 
questions, so if I have some *nix related problem the first thing I do 
is RTFM (side-note, got the t-shirt and mug off thinkgeek hehehehe). I 
just often get the impression that ppl are too lazy to bother with 
reading stuff, and sorry, that ticks me off.
ah, and yes, that friend of mine is a BOFH in the best imaginable manner ;-)



# Gina Lanik - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# That's what I like about this LART is so good that it can't
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