(Why am I posting this to 3 lists?  Well, it's on-topic for grrltalk and
probably techtalk, but there was some talk about posting such things to
linuxchix on the issues list, and anyway that's where I'm most
active... Deb can LART me if I did the wrong thing.  Please note Reply-to
address of [EMAIL PROTECTED] and change it if necessary...)

Clue Installation Specialists (x 3)

Ref #0007

Netizen, a Melbourne (Australia) based Open Source and Internet
development, consultancy and training company, need between one and
three full time clue installers to work in our training group.

The roles are fairly flexible, and include any of the following:

- Development of training materials
        (Unix, Linux, Perl, Internet, Database, Web development...)
- Training
        (standing in front of a class and talking)
- Training co-ordination
        (planning upcoming training, resource management, etc)

As a training organisation, we pride ourselves on our Clue.  We expect
our instructors to have at least 2 years' commercial experience (and
suitable war stories) in the fields they teach.  They must also have
superlative communication skills, including the ability to explain
complicated concepts to inexperienced or non-technical people.

This job may appeal to you if you:

- spend half your working day beating some basic knowledge about your
  field into into your workmates, bosses or customers
- tend to post long, detailed Usenet or mailing list articles of a 
  technical or semi-technical nature
- answer any question with "If I can find some whiteboard space, I'll
  draw you a diagram..."
- have a passion for getting people to do things *right*
- could happily extemporise on the subject of "a technical introduction
  to my favourite software" for a lecture theatre full of people

A bit more information about our training environment:

We run courses in Melbourne, Sydney, and other Australian state capitals
on a regular basis.  Currently we're running Introductory Unix, Perl and
CGI, and Internet Fundamentals courses.  Courses due for development
Real Soon Now include Programming and Database Fundamentals, Advanced
Unix, and "Professional Web Development" (aka "HTML Done Right,

Each course is developed by a small group of Netizen people, usually
with one development lead driving the process.  Our standard format for
training materials is Docbook.

Once a beta-level draft is available, the courses undergo "beta testing"
with a group of volunteer trainees who roughly match the target audience
of the course.  After beta testing, any bugs are ironed out and the
course is ready to go live.

We also run corporate training on-site for companies around Australia,
often developing custom material to meet their needs.

A trainer can usually expect to spend about ten days a month actually
teaching classes.  Most courses are in blocks of two days.  The rest of
the time is spent revising, improving or developing training materials,
or working on miscellaneous other projects of a technical nature.  There
is scope for "pet projects" of an Open Source nature, and trainers are
encouraged to write papers and articles, present at conferences, etc.

The training group currently consists of two part time trainers (one of
whom is also currently the training co-ordinator) and a part time admin
assistant.  Training development occurs with the assistance of Netizen's
technical writer and other technical staff.  

By the end of 2000, we hope to expand the group to approximately three 
FTE trainers, one full time co-ordinator, one FTE training developer/
writer, and additional support staff including sales and administration.
We also plan to open our own specialised training facility in the 
Melbourne CBD.

If you would like to join us in the noble endeavour of Clue
Installation, then please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a resume in

Other information you might like to know:

Salary: $40k plus (quite negotiable) plus profit share etc etc
Salary/Performance review at 3 and 6 months

Other benefits:
- very casual work environment
- no dress code (exception: neat casual with Netizen tshirt when
- near-total flex time/telecommute (except when teaching)
- travel (2-10 days/month, negotiable)
- good technical library, including Wall Of O'Reilly
- beanbags, inflatable furniture, soft toys, lego in office
- non-pointy-haired bosses
- choose your own desktop operating system
- et cetera et cetera

We are planning to fill these three positions gradually between March
and July-ish, 2000.

Netizen are currently only able to employ Australian citizens or those
with permanent residency status, but are in the process of seeking
permission to employ immigrants.  If you're not currently an Australian 
citizen or permanent resident, send us your resume anyway and we'll see
what we can do. We are able to cover relocation costs within Australia, 
and may be prepared to partially cover costs for people who wish to come 
here from overseas.

Kirrily Robert -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- http://netizen.com.au/
Internet and Open Source Development, Consulting and Training
Level 13, 500 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000
Phone: +61 3 9614 0949  Fax +61 3 9614 0948

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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