Terri Oda wrote:
> Jenn V. wrote:
> >Mmmhmm. IMO (and YMMV) some people can't perceive that there is still
> >discrimination/are still offputting environments/whatever. And I don't know
> >any way to explain to them /how/ these exist. Especially since I can often
> >see causes in their own actions. Sigh.
> This is so true. And unfortunately, it's sometimes really nice people who
> just have this one blindspot about reality because they aren't exposed to
> it quite so often...
Dancer (my husband) and I occasionally have discussions about our
respective views of reality. He's discovered some of the subtler
discriminations against women that way - and I some of those against men.
* He doesn't actually look at a female face when casually meeting, lest he
make her uncomfortable/be seen as 'looking' or challenging her or whatever.
And to sit next to a female in a tram or bus means carefully looking in any
other direction...
* He doesn't get touched anywhere near as often as I do - rarely at all.
Friends of both of us hug me hello and goodbye, but not him.
Hm. Those are the ones which come to mind off the top of my head. Nothing I
can do about casual eye contact, but I can (and do) encourage friends to
touch him.
Jenn V.
"We're repairing the coolant loop of a nuclear fusion reactor.
This is women's work!"
Helix, Freefall. http://www.purrsia.com/freefall/
Jenn Vesperman [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.simegen.com/~jenn
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org