Well, I guess I qualify as a qnerd, except for one big thing--I avoid science fiction if at all possible. This seems to make all the difference in the world in some lesbian circles. One of my coworkers at my former office was also a lesbian, and you'd think we'd have something in common, but all she wanted to talk about is Gabriella (sp?) and all I wanted to talk about is sports. Not very good communication between us. I used to be what we called a "humanities geek," then I made an honest woman out of myself and became a computer geek. Cheers, Si. > -----Original Message----- > From: Erin Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Monday, February 21, 2000 2:04 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Re: [issues] YAFGA - 'nother queer geek > Back to the queer thing - one of my own, now somewhat > languishing projects > is "Queer Nerd" which exists as a mailing list and a (now > dusty) website. > (shameless plug - main site: http://www.qnerd.com, mailing > list information: > http://www.qnerd.com/qnerd-l.html). > > I would love to have some new life breathed into Queer Nerd > since I am too > busy to do the sort of list facilitation/hand-holding it > currently seems to > need. I sometimes wonder whether this is because its > all-gendered, too small, > too unfocused in discussions, etc. I post things every now then, some > discussion arises, then dies down into silence for another > couple weeks. > > I'd also enjoy hearing from, knowing about other queer > geeks/nerds, even if > you want to have nothing to do with Queer Nerd or the qnerd-l. > > The cyberdykes seem like a cool group... thanks to whomever > sent that URL. > > OK, back to work with me... > > Erin 8) > > -- > Erin Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Web Networks Systems Administration > http://community.web.net - http://www.web.net > > ************ > [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org > ************ [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org