On Sun, 20 Feb 2000, Helaine McFerron wrote:

> I also avoid talking about the stock market at all costs unless it's about 
> how capitalism is messed up. 

<chuckle> ditto

> I also started fixing up old computers and 
> giving them out to my hippie/queer friends who have never used a computer. 
> That is also a really easy way to show them how much alternative stuff is on 
> the internet like www.igc.org. They love it! If they don't have a computer 
> tell them you will give them one. WOW - friends for life. 

One of the nice things about seattle is that there's a rather nicely sized
vegan/greenie/hippie/queer population here that at least understands
computers from a user viewpoint. I find myself waxing eloquent about open
source, but so far haven't gotten to implement...yet... (there's plenty of
anti-MS sentiment, but a lack of folks who have a clue about linux...at
least, I haven't found them yet...so I'm just gonna have to work on that
;P )

> Obviously, you 
> can't do that everyday but I for one have a lot of computer parts and crap 
> in my room and having someone every now and then to put a recycled system 
> together for gets me motivated to clear out this junk.

heh. I can totally relate to that one :P

> My partner in crimes against nature is not interested in computers or 
> science fiction but we just work it out. 

I've had really bad luck with that one -- most of my exes are geeky in one
way or another (never computers, though, with the exception of my one male
ex :P go fig...DJ was a ham radio freak and Monica and I had a very cute
romantic moment *reciting the periodic table of the elements to eachother*
:P [yes, I'm weird, so was she..it worked out well :P]..but geeky in some
way :) ) my reaction is usually <shockandhorror>'sci fi, how can you not
like scifi?!?!?' </shockandhorror> <grin> I can imagine a relationship
with someone who wasn't a geek and wasn't into sci fi, but so far I've
never managed to get it to work :) 

> of lesbians in the computer industry but few are as geeky as me. They are 
> more like sports/corporate dykes. As  of this date I have yet to meet 

ditto here for the most part, there's one exception at the last company I
was at -- she was a LAN/pc tech sort of person and very cool, if not
unixish :)

> another women that is into being vegan/greenie/hippie/queer and all that 
> plus a geek. Maybe I will meet some, maybe their on this list, but I haven't 
> yet.

vegan: 99.9% (exceptions being if I *must* eat something [between
hypoglycemia and wheat allergies (and milk and egg allergies, making vegan
a snap once I got the meat out :) ) it's hard to find things to eat if I'm
on the road..I've gotten really good about carrying food with me,
though...I live on luna bars :P ] and, as some of my non-geek friends put
it, 'freegan' stuff [which is anything that's free...'cos one does not
look gift chocolate in the mouth, even if it's hershey's dark :P  ] )
greenie: check
hippie: sorta -- I'm down with the philosophy, and once I got to seattle
and met some hippie dykes, I was much happier with the whole thing. Up
until then, most of the hippie communities I'd hung out in had a major
mysogynistic/male privilege/dyke-phobia (not homophobia, dyke-phobia)
thing going that did not make me particularly happy about the hippies I
knew...and the girls tended not to fight it, or even recognize it, which
just frustrated me more!
queer: in more ways than one :P
geek: um, <innocent>me?</innocent>

> So, I have kinda ended up splitting up my life into compartments. I have my 

Ditto. It's something I noticed happening way back in high school, and it
seems to have accelerated since I left california

() Ascii Ribbon Campaign. Text only. Some of us have small pipes.
/\ My opinions. Mine! All mine!
I tried to call a truce with my life, but it wouldn't negotiate.

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