#if Kirrily 'Skud' Robert
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Rik Hemsley wrote:
> >
> >If you have more (qualified) women than men applying for posts, then
> >you can hardly be accused of reverse discrimination.
> They can't take it to court and expect to win, no.  However, it is not
> unlikely that we might get accused of it in less formal circumstances
> (eg Usenet posts) and I'd rather not have that sort of negative
> publicity.

Right, but still you can post the figures - you have more women
applying, and more women get the jobs. It's quite plain to me,
but I suppose if you're worried... Are you going to start employing
men who are less suitable just to avoid this ?

> >We have reverse discrimination here. You have to employ a certain
> >number of disabled (don't know the pc term) people, even if none
> >of them have the skills, qualifications or experience.
> Hrm, that sucks.  We've been employing disabled people *because* they
> have the appropriate skills and experience.  It's amusing to mention to
> certain clients, vendors, etc, that "over 25 percent of our staff have
> disabilities that prevent them from using the latest Netscape/MS
> browsers on normal font size settings".

Then there's our police force. A recent report stated that there
is institutionalised racism within the force. So how do they deal
with this ? Do they kick out anyone who has a bad attitude ? No,
they set a requirement that there should always be a certain %
of 'ethnic minority' officers on the force.

Discrimination to fight discrimination. Perhaps Jack Straw (the
home secretary) has never heard of fighting fire with fire.

> >> $DEITY only knows why this is.  *shrug*
> >Presumable that's an array ? ;)
> An array would be @DEITIES.  I guess I should say: [...]

Not in zsh.

Z > DEITIES=(Mars Mercury Venus)

Rik - being as irritating as possible today. Going on holiday tomorrow.

Use the word "post-modern" without being quite sure whether it is the
dominant cultural logic of late capitalism or pop-culture shorthand
for messy-looking buildings.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.linuxchix.org

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