#if Kirrily 'Skud' Robert
> Suits me.  Cept that if I hire any more female geeks, I'm going to start
> getting accused of reverse discrimination.
> Actually, you recall what I said about training courses, that we're
> getting more women than men attending them?  We're also getting more
> women than men applying for jobs with us.  Or at any rate, more
> *qualified* women.  I don't count the ones who think that Frontpage is a
> reasonable substitute for 2+ years Perl/Python, and similar.

If you have more (qualified) women than men applying for posts, then
you can hardly be accused of reverse discrimination.

We have reverse discrimination here. You have to employ a certain
number of disabled (don't know the pc term) people, even if none
of them have the skills, qualifications or experience.

> $DEITY only knows why this is.  *shrug*
Presumable that's an array ? ;)


It's impossible to discriminate against those who discriminate.

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