In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Rik Hemsley wrote:
>If you have more (qualified) women than men applying for posts, then
>you can hardly be accused of reverse discrimination.
They can't take it to court and expect to win, no. However, it is not
unlikely that we might get accused of it in less formal circumstances
(eg Usenet posts) and I'd rather not have that sort of negative
>We have reverse discrimination here. You have to employ a certain
>number of disabled (don't know the pc term) people, even if none
>of them have the skills, qualifications or experience.
Hrm, that sucks. We've been employing disabled people *because* they
have the appropriate skills and experience. It's amusing to mention to
certain clients, vendors, etc, that "over 25 percent of our staff have
disabilities that prevent them from using the latest Netscape/MS
browsers on normal font size settings".
>> $DEITY only knows why this is. *shrug*
>Presumable that's an array ? ;)
An array would be @DEITIES. I guess I should say:
(too much perl training, argh!)
Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
"Be pedantic in what you accept, and arbitrarily brutal in what you
send." -- Malcolm Ray in a.s.r