> I have more guy friends than girl friends.  Somehow it's easier for me
> to get along with men than it is with women.

    Boy, that sounds familiar, if only in the opposite.  It's one of the
reasons I stay in the academic community.  Where else am I going to find a
significant population of intelligent women to have a conversation with?
Especially about science and computers?  Definitely the reason I jumped all
over this list when I found out about it (been lurking so far, hello all).
    As for blank stares at parties/bars, try telling someone you have a
Ph.D. in Biochemistry.  And work with computers all day long.  Oy.

>> Rik - one of those days...
> uh huh..

Jeramia Ory
u·ni·ver·si·ty (n): Three square miles surrounded by reality

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