Hi, Steve,

> I mean I don't know.  I don't see how these mysterious things are going to
> destroy our civilization.  I mean, hardly think so. Do I think people carry too
> far sometimes. Do I think people don't carry it to far enough ...Correct.
> What I am trying to say is that a moderate level of sensitivity to other humans
> is a GOOD THING.

Thank you.  That was extremely well said.  I also must say that the guys who are
sensitive and clued into this sort of issue are, IMHO, a major part of the
solution.  (If the shoe fits you, Steve :)


> Am I glad when people actually continue to try hashing out things instead of
> shutting up, YEAH. Would an honest discussion with out yelling be good, yep!
> indeed!

The key is to keep it at the level of an intelligent discussion and not to let
tempers flare.  There have been a couple of posts that have really,
*really* challenged me in that area :)

> Somethings seem to me to get carried a little too far or seem far-fetched. The
> reality of the granny having a heart attack when they see a porno image is kind
> of questionable. That idea seem overblown.

No, but granny being offended is very real, IMHO.


>  Am I bemused how this is
> supposed to destroy civilization? To quote a famous robot: "Does Not Compute!
> Does Not Compute!"


Take care,

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