J B wrote:
> Frankly, I find talk about the quality of some dude's butt just as
> offensive as the talk about some woman's breasts. I don't bother. I might
> say someone is cute or good-looking, but in most cases I think the PERSON
> is cute. Their body really isn't a primary concern for me.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> What about a "person makes them cute if it is not their body and bearing?
> It is hard to see personaltiy from across the room...(as someone said
> previously). Why is it sexist for a man to say that a woman has a nice body
> or a woman to say that a man has a nice butt? (or aby other variations of
> gender and sex saying basically the same thing)...
> By the way....the act of being "politically correct" is speaking in such a
> manner as to be sure that you do not run the risk of offending anybody.
> This has become a major problem (IMHO) in the US. And it WILL lead to the
> downfall of our society (once again...IMHO).
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I mean I don't know. I don't see how these mysterious things are going to
destroy our civilization. I mean, hardly think so. Do I think people carry too
far sometimes. Do I think people don't carry it to far enough ...Correct.
What I am trying to say is that a moderate level of sensitivity to other humans
is a GOOD THING. Living in a world designed by people who seem to want to act
like High School Football Coaches seems like a BAD THING to me. Who else can
catagorically declare to other people that "That's Closed" and it's acted upon.
Am I glad when people actually continue to try hashing out things instead of
shutting up, YEAH. Would an honest discussion with out yelling be good, yep!
Somethings seem to me to get carried a little too far or seem far-fetched. The
reality of the granny having a heart attack when they see a porno image is kind
of questionable. That idea seem overblown.
But does it seem overblown when somebody is freaked out about something and
articulates it clearly and why, and wonders: "Well do we want this kind of
atmosphere for this thing?" Is that a valid question, yeah it is. Should we
talk about without shouting...Well at least I think so. Am I bemused how this is
supposed to destroy civilization? To quote a famous robot: "Does Not Compute!
Does Not Compute!"
Have Fun,
Sends Steve
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