> > Man, some people are as boring as a quilting circle. Just categorize the
>You've obviously never been to some of the quilting cirlce's I've been
I guess I've lived a limited life.
> > damn themes....No one can take exception to seeing anything they don't
> want
> > to see then. Issue closed.
>Issue *not* closed -- I'm not talking about so called adult themes..I'm
>talking about gratuitous inclusion of girly pics in *OTHER* themes
Those should be categorized under adult for anything involving unclad
bodies...Lump it into the Adult category, and then subdivide for
"scantily-clad, nude, sex"
It's not exactly about whether or I want to see it -- it's about the
>general feeling that it's *okay* and *good*
That is a totally different issue dealing with societal norms. One thing
at a time. We're agreed on the "Disney rule" then? If it has a random
nipple hanging out of a screenshot, that has adult content and should be
filed accordingly...The whole societal norm thing will have to go into
another message as this blanket is so warm, and Law and Order is a really
good episode....snore...
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