Well this is my feelings and not so humble opinion on all of these nice
topics, issues and metaissues. Ok, for one I think and feel this is the
right place to discuss these broad things. I mean especially such issues as
"if Steve makes a page that looks Babe-O-Rama pix to him, with with his
tastes guys will say: "why do they all look like guys..." This might be
cute, I mean it would be fun to do for hack value. And if I put "LINUX
Version XX.XX" or had icons of all the various Linuxes on the person's
outfit what will happen. Will I get a "chill it" letter from RedHat. Will
people mostly guys, come up and say: "Hey look you're ruining the image of
the thing we like, by putting freaks and weirdos and emblazoning them with
our icons..." Or will they get the "hack value" (for fun, to play
with...whatever) and say: " Well yeah we use Software with curious names,
some vaguely insulting like: "The GIMP", and we kind of think of them
affectionately. So i=uh, I guess it's not my taste but it's OK.
Playing with "Iconic Images" in the artist sense can be fun, but it also
can be strange and some times dangerous. I mean look at all the people who
get into at least SOCIAL APPROBATION TROUBLE or get their funds cut off if
they play with images of "The Virgin Mary" or Christian Religious Imagery.
Or T-shirts that say: "God Likes Linux!" would get strange looks from both
sides of the proverbial aisle(Postmodernists and Zen Buddhists invited to
talk about whether there is an "aisle".:)
I doubt saying "Issue Closed" ever works unless you are in a clear power
relationship...well even not then...ever really works. Well it would only
sort of work in a Nazi Death Camp. ANd maybe not even then. Note here in
West Virginia, if you are walking by a "construction site" where "Busty
Beer Babe" pictures in the trailers means "no women on this project..."
this "no girlie pictures" is known as "something that bothers the women..."
In fact it is often used to effectively make a bar "de facto men only..."
Note the now old concept of fern bars hasn't hit here, even yet. It seems
to be some rite of passage, for college women to brave one of these things
with friends on birthdays or a dare.
Well what does this have to do with Linux. Well as someone, it may have
been Vinnie, wisely and humourously mentioned the "well that is what
started the whole thing.." And the whole question is how much do I get to
say: "This is so bad it should go away." Like a T-shirt that says: "Being a
Libertarian isn't freedom, it is an excuse for being selfish!" or like:
"Strangle a Liberatian Scum". What is "rude and evil" and should be
stopped, especially if linked to something I think and feel highly of.
That's an interesting question.
And these come up in technical environments a lot...I worked once at a
computer magazine in the techie and graphic arts sections. The graphic
arts people had such "respect for their tools..." that all sorts of nasty,
aggressive little messages were taked up around them. Like that one's
finger would be broken or one would be garotted. This was a very mixed
environment gender wise. A full 80% of both+ genders (no herms, merms,
firms:) did this. I mentioned I felt a little uncomfortable with it. I was
looked on as "strange", "one who couldn't take reality.." etc. by almost
all in that department. I became sort of: "Well that's Steve our techie and
artist, he is easy to spook..."
So my feeling these days is like, well I feel like, well I should build a
Web Page and write my commentary into it. And that is better than saying
"this is bad it should not be done.." ...although I think "this bothers me
does it bother anyone else..." is quite reasonable. I even find curious
that polite things like "Scientifc American" describe the looks of
scientists who are women more than men. But I have no problem with
zinesters who have "rehabilitated girl and expanded it to grrls." I mean
"Does Linux Promotion have to look like a beer commercial for guys." But
otherwise I do feel yeah I can and should be able to make my part of
cyberspace look like what I want. Although I might warn people that: "Well
OK this is kind of rough and ready..."
I mean I think and feel these things should be discussed not shouted down
in either direction. It is important as far as I can see. I might hum "I've
passed this way before...I've Passed This Way Before..." and wonder if any
of these things can ever be resolved. But I am glad, no one complains as
much about things...like when I accidentally sent 2 messages incorrectly,
nor I have heard the chants of "RTM" or "RFTM..." And I like when people
put pointers to what has bothered them, so I can go look at them myself,
and to use the aeriel surveyor's analogy/metaphor "Go seek Ground Truth..."
ANd yep I feel quite strongly issues belong in issues! where else could be
Have Fun,
Sends Steve
P.S. Sorry about the long winded message!
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org