> On 17 Sep 2015, at 09:24, Jo Rhett <jrh...@netconsonance.com> wrote:
> On Sep 16, 2015, at 2:48 PM, Michael Friedrich <michael.friedr...@netways.de> 
> wrote:
>> Frustration being explicitely put into public domain rather than going 
>> offline and yelling or smashing something is pretty bad. It only helps for 5 
>> minutes feeling better but obviously insults or puts stress on anyone 
>> working on this open source project.
>> Such behaviour is pretty common amongst oss projects, and it is not the 
>> first time happening.
>> I'm just the guy not willing to tolerate such frustration dumps but 
>> interested in questions and answers and people helping each other. 
>> Everything else is just bad karma.
> The only person who posted frustrated was YOU. I simply asked if there was a 
> better forum for support, which is a perfectly reasonable question since the 
> web project appears to be semi-detached and might have its own list. To which 
> you posted your frustrated and pissy response. Take a good hard look in the 
> mirror, man. Everything you said above was about you, not about me.
>> And if you ask yourself - when do they actually develop Icinga when they are 
>> demanded to be doing community support at the same time?
> The exact same as all of us who accept bug reports on our projects, and 
> actually fix them. You’re operating in a community of people who develop, 
> release, maintain and support. Shocking, I know, but we do the work without 
> whining about it and pissing on people who did nothing more egregious than to 
> ask if there was a better place to get support for the web interface.
> There’s nothing pissy or frustrated in my response. But the projection mirror 
> you cast aspersions at is deeply amusing.
> While you’re busy tossing personal attacks at someone with a simple question, 
> people are posting workaround hacks for the outstanding bug reports nobody 
> can be bothered to reply to. Perhaps if you were to stop calling people 
> names, you might get a PR from someone interested in a solution.
> So if you’ll stop with the battery of direct personal attacks (that violate 
> your employer's terms of use for this list), and perhaps give me what you do 
> know about the interfaces in question as a starting point, perhaps we can 
> help each other.

Ok, point taken. I’m sorry if it came around the other way.

I’ll continue what I can do best - develop the core. Sorry if I cannot be of 
help to you.

See ya,

Michael Friedrich, DI (FH)
Senior Developer

NETWAYS GmbH | Deutschherrnstr. 15-19 | D-90429 Nuernberg
Tel: +49 911 92885-0 | Fax: +49 911 92885-77
GF: Julian Hein, Bernd Erk | AG Nuernberg HRB18461
http://www.netways.de | michael.friedr...@netways.de

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