Oh, i'm read the whole thread.
I'm sorry.

I just want to tell, that maillist is more informative, that 

Anyway, than you for your responces. 

It really help us!

17.09.2015, 00:58, "Romaneev Vasily" <enter...@yandex.ru>:
> Dear Michael
> you write a great post.
> This may be an offtopic, but i think it's relevant on this thread:
>>> Btw - I don't remember you asking at http://www.monitoring-portal.org which 
>>> also is an option to reach out to the community and developers. You will 
>>> certainly recognize many of us there as well.
> But i want to tell about my experience with monitoring-portal.org.
> 1. So many german language topic. I think, they should split topics, based on 
> language or add a language filter.
> 2. Many questions on mon-portal is unanswered.
> Maillist is more informative.
> With the best regards, Vasiliy.
> 17.09.2015, 00:49, "Michael Friedrich" <michael.friedr...@netways.de>:
>>  Hi,
>>>   Am 16.09.2015 um 23:12 schrieb Craig White 
>>> <cwh...@skytouchtechnology.com>:
>>>   Obviously Michael is the best support resource on this list and he 
>>> doesn't use LDAP which is apparently why LDAP questions go unanswered.
>>  Each developer or user has his or her specialities, and I personally think 
>> that my colleagues know way better about Web 2 and LDAP than I ever will. 
>> Personally I avoid LDAP in my spare time (which is now for example at 11pm), 
>> but I'm used to it at work, e.g. within LConf.
>>  Generally speaking I do think that there's a topic for anyone out there 
>> where he/she is best in and will provide answers when there's time (or a 
>> colleague like me kindly asks them to respond, also happens).
>>>   I asked much of the same 2 times on this list and only heard crickets but 
>>> I didn't offer any attitude. I certainly understood Jo's frustration but I 
>>> also recognize that this is essentially a free product.
>>  Frustration being explicitely put into public domain rather than going 
>> offline and yelling or smashing something is pretty bad. It only helps for 5 
>> minutes feeling better but obviously insults or puts stress on anyone 
>> working on this open source project.
>>  Such behaviour is pretty common amongst oss projects, and it is not the 
>> first time happening.
>>  I'm just the guy not willing to tolerate such frustration dumps but 
>> interested in questions and answers and people helping each other. 
>> Everything else is just bad karma.
>>>   The result was my conclusion that icinga2 was not ready for primetime and 
>>> I have shutdown the test icinga VM and have been directed to try Zenoss 
>>> (which is obviously a different beast).
>>  Yet Icinga 2 and Icinga Web 2 are two different projects, but sometimes get 
>> confused into one project. Icinga 2 is stable over a year now e.g.
>>  Btw - I don't remember you asking at http://www.monitoring-portal.org which 
>> also is an option to reach out to the community and developers. You will 
>> certainly recognize many of us there as well.
>>  And if you ask yourself - when do they actually develop Icinga when they 
>> are demanded to be doing community support at the same time?
>>  That's a really good question...
>>  Kind regards,
>>  Michael
>>  -- 
>>  Michael Friedrich, DI (FH)
>>  Senior Developer
>>  NETWAYS GmbH | Deutschherrnstr. 15-19 | D-90429 Nuernberg
>>  Tel: +49 911 92885-0 | Fax: +49 911 92885-77
>>  GF: Julian Hein, Bernd Erk | AG Nuernberg HRB18461
>>  http://www.netways.de | michael.friedr...@netways.de
>>  ** OSBConf 2015 - September - osbconf.org **
>>  ** OSMC 2015 - November - netways.de/osmc **
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>  Романеев Василий
> Мобильный: +7-987-636-62-67
> skype romaneev
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