-----Original Message-----
From: icinga-users [mailto:icinga-users-boun...@lists.icinga.org] On Behalf Of 
Michael Friedrich
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 2:49 PM
To: icinga-users@lists.icinga.org
Subject: Re: [icinga-users] is there another support mechanism for bugs?


> Am 16.09.2015 um 23:12 schrieb Craig White <cwh...@skytouchtechnology.com>:
> Obviously Michael is the best support resource on this list and he doesn't 
> use LDAP which is apparently why LDAP questions go unanswered.

Each developer or user has his or her specialities, and I personally think that 
my colleagues know way better about Web 2 and LDAP than I ever will. Personally 
I avoid LDAP in my spare time (which is now for example at 11pm), but I'm used 
to it at work, e.g. within LConf.

Generally speaking I do think that there's a topic for anyone out there where 
he/she is best in and will provide answers when there's time (or a colleague 
like me kindly asks them to respond, also happens).

> I asked much of the same 2 times on this list and only heard crickets but I 
> didn't offer any attitude. I certainly understood Jo's frustration but I also 
> recognize that this is essentially a free product.

Frustration being explicitely put into public domain rather than going offline 
and yelling or smashing something is pretty bad. It only helps for 5 minutes 
feeling better but obviously insults or puts stress on anyone working on this 
open source project.

Such behaviour is pretty common amongst oss projects, and it is not the first 
time happening.

I'm just the guy not willing to tolerate such frustration dumps but interested 
in questions and answers and people helping each other. Everything else is just 
bad karma.

> The result was my conclusion that icinga2 was not ready for primetime and I 
> have shutdown the test icinga VM and have been directed to try Zenoss (which 
> is obviously a different beast).

Yet Icinga 2 and Icinga Web 2 are two different projects, but sometimes get 
confused into one project. Icinga 2 is stable over a year now e.g.

Btw - I don't remember you asking at http://www.monitoring-portal.org which 
also is an option to reach out to the community and developers. You will 
certainly recognize many of us there as well.

And if you ask yourself - when do they actually develop Icinga when they are 
demanded to be doing community support at the same time?

That's a really good question...

Kind regards,
Hey, I recognize the efforts that you go to supporting icinga/icingaweb and do 
not want to denigrate them in any way.

I never thought it was the product that we needed but we had an architect here 
that pushed me to it and then abandoned it for his projects which had no 
connection to me. The needs in my area are more towards asset management and 
discovery, not monitoring so I always thought icinga was not the optimal 
product for our needs.

Thanks for all the efforts.

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