Hello Massimo,
Sorry for the late reply, got a little busy ;-)

Wich is estimated cost?

Well, I can tell you exactly what we payed Hannes for writing the doc's. He
started writing xHarbour doc's in November 2005 and finished April 2007. We
paid him USD $38,800.00 for this job.

> i am searching as alternative buy an old clipper documentation and start
> from here .So i hope in good offer for best documentation regarding xbase.
> Wich tool are needed for update this documentation?

The source of the doc's are plain TXT files, so any editor should do. But I
suggest we set up a WIKI system so everyone can contribute to the docs.

in Wich way is possible update on line this documentation?

Like I said above, I suggest to use Wiki.

we need a way for update documentation from sourcecode,changelog
> is possible a way of cooperation between xharbour/harbour com?

Sure, I'm open for a corporation between all [x]Harbour users to build
one great documentation source.

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