We sell xHarbour Language Reference Guide at a price of $48.00
($59.00 with PDF). Total net sales for all xHarbour Language
Reference Guide's combined over all years is USD $7,550.00. So, our
total net loss on xHDN is $31,250.00
Documentation is available from homepage so it's a sales
helper, even the pure existence of a documentation is a
sales helper. Adding up income from selling doc isn't a
proper indicator here. I reckon you guys as being very well
established business persons, so I assume the investment
was well though out. Anyway, lets forget this point, as it
won't move us any closer to a resolutions.
We shouldn't forget that lots of developers were and are
working on Harbour for free, which again creates sales,
income and profit for your company.
Sorry, how do you connect Harbour to sales for xHarbour.com?
It has lots of parts and rooted from the same codebase,
which is years of work. I thought this is obvious. At least
for the compiler part, which is the base for the rest.
This isn't appearing
as a figure anywhere, but is probably a much higher amount
than the cost of this documentation, even if you take
a fraction of this figure, it's still a considerable
contribution for the benefit (in actual $) of your company.
Sorry, I don't agree.
Very interesting POV.
So, just for me and other list members to understand it:
You question all the contributions non-xhb paid developers
were *ever* doing on Harbour and also xhb codebase?
IOW what you didn't pay for, just "got" there from the
thin air? Including the forked source code, recent patches,
and all contributions from free participants in between?
Also I just can guess, that you meant Harbour+xHarbour
community, otherwise I even less understand the offer.
>From you e-mail it wasn't clear that you want a joined
doc effort afterwards, or just pass a copy to the free
Harbour Project (and its free users) for that amount.
I don't WANT or demand anything ;-)
I just provide you with ideas and suggestions and if you guys like
it and want to participate in it, you are welcome. But yes, I'd like
this to be a joint Harbour/xHarbour venture.
Thanks for clarifying, this is good and I agree.
I still hold my opinion, that unless your business with
the docs was a total loss, you should share your docs for
free or some *much more realistic amount*, and we can
continue to build it together for the benefit of all
xHarbour and Harbour users.
Sorry, Viktor, I don't understand that you can ask us to just "give
away" an investment of + $38.000 with a loss of + $31.000. WHY
should we do that?
Because this way it simply won't work in practice.
I've sent another mail just recently, please lets continue
on that ground if you agree.
[ I'm still interested in your answer for question a few
paragraphs above. ]
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