Hello Viktor, First of all, I'd like to say that I come here in peace. I
mean, I have NO intention at all to upset anyone. Lots of Harbour-project
members are my friends. So, please, see my answers in this context. Thanks

> We sell xHarbour Language Reference Guide at a price of $48.00 ($59.00 with
>> PDF). Total net sales for all xHarbour Language Reference Guide's combined
>> over all years is USD $7,550.00. So, our total net loss on xHDN is
>> $31,250.00
> Documentation is available from homepage so it's a sales
> helper, even the pure existence of a documentation is a
> sales helper. Adding up income from selling doc isn't a
> proper indicator here. I reckon you guys as being very well
> established business persons, so I assume the investment
> was well though out. Anyway, lets forget this point, as it
> won't move us any closer to a resolutions.


 We shouldn't forget that lots of developers were and are
>> working on Harbour for free, which again creates sales,
>> income and profit for your company.
>> Sorry, how do you connect Harbour to sales for xHarbour.com?
> It has lots of parts and rooted from the same codebase,
> which is years of work. I thought this is obvious. At least
> for the compiler part, which is the base for the rest.

Ok, now I see your point. off-course I agree that xHarbour was born from
Harbour-project. Please don't forget that xHarbour is mainly a service
business. We sell xHarbour and provide service for our users. We don't SELL
original Harbour-project or xHarbour CODE, we make nice installers of them
and provide service.
Also, xHarbour.com has since its creation some 5 years ago, contributed back
to [x]Harbour on a regular basis. Also, "for free", meaning no-one paid us
for that work.

This isn't appearing
>> as a figure anywhere, but is probably a much higher amount
>> than the cost of this documentation, even if you take
>> a fraction of this figure, it's still a considerable
>> contribution for the benefit (in actual $) of your company.
>> Sorry, I don't agree.
> Very interesting POV.
> So, just for me and other list members to understand it:
> You question all the contributions non-xhb paid developers
> were *ever* doing on Harbour and also xhb codebase?
>  IOW what you didn't pay for, just "got" there from the
> thin air? Including the forked source code, recent patches,
> and all contributions from free participants in between?

Again, xHarbour.com has since its creation contributed back to [x]Harbour so
much, even though it is STILL losing money. Its almost like you say you
should ask all companies making money off of [x]Harbour to help pay?

Now, I don't wanne start a political yes/no game here. I know what the
investment on xharbour.com's part was in creating xHDN. I have no desire to
"just" give it away. :)

But I respect all of [x]Harbour's developers hard work! Just so you know :)

> Also I just can guess, that you meant Harbour+xHarbour
>> community, otherwise I even less understand the offer.
>> >From you e-mail it wasn't clear that you want a joined
>> doc effort afterwards, or just pass a copy to the free
>> Harbour Project (and its free users) for that amount.
>> I don't WANT or demand anything ;-)
>> I just provide you with ideas and suggestions and if you guys like it and
>> want to participate in it, you are welcome. But yes, I'd like this to be a
>> joint Harbour/xHarbour venture.
> Thanks for clarifying, this is good and I agree.


I still hold my opinion, that unless your business with
>> the docs was a total loss, you should share your docs for
>> free or some *much more realistic amount*, and we can
>> continue to build it together for the benefit of all
>> xHarbour and Harbour users.
>> Sorry, Viktor, I don't understand that you can ask us to just "give away"
>> an investment of + $38.000 with a loss of + $31.000. WHY should we do that?
> Because this way it simply won't work in practice.

Ron Pinkas also made massive contributions to [x]Harbour, but as a partner
in xHarbour.com he ALSO pays for xHDN. What is the difference between him
and you? I mean, on the subject of "I worked hard for Harbour, so I don't
need to pay"?
Again, I DO respect all your hard work. I just try to answer your questions.

I've sent another mail just recently, please lets continue
> on that ground if you agree.

Yes, I see. I will reply on that one ASAP.

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