xHarbour bindings for wxWidgets
Yes I know not recognized as GTWXW
IS xHarbour bindings for wxWidgets
Best of multiplaform

And wxWidgets is also based on GTK+, so GTK+ seems
like a trend as far as fat desktop goes.

paradigm (with all its faults) inside a web-browser
Sorry but afaik is not commercial, is a sourceforge project covered by
GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
As you seen AS
and also .net is only one option
Gizmox have released Visual WebGui to the public in early 2008 - is
poised to create a new standard in cloud computing. Visual WebGui (VWG)
is a new 'Web like Desktop' platform

"Web-like desktop" is IMO an oxymoron.

It would be nice to see what would happen with such
a Visual WebGUI app, when you try to open it on an iPhone,
or god forbid, on an Opera browser running on a Nokia phone.
I have tried demo app with opera 6 from windows mobile HTC TYTN II
Not work ...not jet because imo silverligh app will go to mobile

I wouldn't hold my breath for Silverlight reaching
all possible devices anytime soon. It's an MS invention,
with MS interests, and we've all seen how these things
used to turn out by time.

Moreover it probably needs Silverlight on the browser-side,
which is instantly excluding anything outside Microsoft's
business territory.
There is tree implementation of silverligh for linux by Microsoft, by
Novell/Silverlight  by momo/Moonlight

It's still a relatively hefty additional layer to the
standard browsers (with who knows which kind of dependencies),
with an uncertain licensing and official standard status.

C# is very nice language (thanks to the person behind
development), but due the forces behind it, and because
it's a heavy client side tool its usage is IMO limited.

SilverLight looks like ActiveX controls revived for the
.NET ("managed" !) world, also to try to beat Flash.
Silverligh is not the only path for visual webgui

Can be, but Silverlight along with MS-like GUIs just
hits you in the face if you go to the page, just like
the word "commercial".

In any case I see not much connection to Harbour,
so this is a bit off topic IMO. I may be get back
to this later of sf.net to see some details.

I better like lighter and naturally web-like apps.
IMO we you made very different application
Limited webapp and unlimited webgui

"unlimited" isn't needed. If gmail or google docs
count as limited, I'm perfectly fine with it.


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