On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 1:17 PM, Szakáts Viktor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I better like lighter and naturally web-like apps.

We've moved 60% of the apps to browser using only Harbour, rpc, xml
and Javascript.

The results are great so far ( not said by me ) but as usual it's the
last 20% that takes the 80% of the time.

We've saved all tbrowses, all reports ( they create a pdf,xls,rtf )
but we need to recode the screens and rethink the most complex part of
the app. Between the UI and the rpc/app we can exchange only files so
this require a rethink of the more complex part of the app. Now with
MT we can try to have all the users on the same exe and solve some
problems but the real problem is that it's a big jump "to take alone".

best regards,
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