We are launching our new web site where we say "Terminal/GUI" but we
miss the ( full ) GUI part.
We can add a list of the several h*, x* and v* guis created so far for
Harbour but then we need to find answers to questions like "which is
the best?", "which one to choose?".
Clearly here the things become hard since we have both Linux and
Windows ( and few Mac ) users.


1 - remove GUI from from the headlines and say "there are several GUIs

2 - pick up one of the already existing ones and "promote it" as the
"default one"

3 - create a new GUI as we like

Clearly option 1 is the quickest, option 2 will start a lot of "mine
is better...", option3 in "insane".

About option 2:

- xhgtk ( on sourceforge ) seems to be a good candidate
it's created by developers that are also active with Harbour, it
follows a documented standard like GTK and it works under Lin, Win and
is announced to work also under OS X

- another possibility would be FiveWin
it exist for Win, Lin and OS X it is used by many [x]Harbour
developers and it will help to keep the community "close"

- GT graphic "layer" on top of GT
the web has changed everything. In the mid 90's the programs needed to
be exactly like Office while today users switch from our apps to
gmail, to bank online accounts, to "tax administration" sites so they
use many different interfaces every day. This means that a "strictly"
native interface is not "critical" as in the past.
If only we could have some graphic on top of GT we could probably save
much of our code, give a "decent" UI to our apps and keep the speed of
text for remote access.


best regards,
Harbour mailing list

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