On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 8:36 AM, Szakáts Viktor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Unless there is a clear and agreed direction on
> which free product is the "best", maybe we
> should just present an alphabetically sorted
> list of all known products, one list for free
> and one list for commercial solutions. But this
> should IMO be extended for all other 3rd party
> products, not just GUI libs.

In this case we should choose carefully what's in the list.
Some of them are in IMHO not in line with the quality standard of Harbour.
It would be a pity that a bad experience with one of these GUIs will
"translate" to Harbour.

> I think users are still very much expecting _native_
> GUI apps to behave like native apps. For me it's
> still a little pain to use even a GTK app in Windows
> (like GIMP).

Gimp has a strange interface by itsef.
I've tried xhgtk samples under XP and I find it perfectly integrated.
Of course native would be better but xhgtk exist today, is documented
since it follows closely the GTK standards and you can use glade to
create screens.

I'm more interested in web apps so I would probably not use xhgtk
anyway but it seems to me a good example of what Harbour can do and is
the closest thing to a multiplatform GUI we have around.

best regards,
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