Am 21.12.2016 um 14:03 schrieb Rich Freeman:
> I don't agree that you are "forced"
> to use systemd.  Maybe you might be forced to use a different browser
> or fork your browser or patch it or stick with an old version and
> backport security fixes if you want to use it without systemd some
> day.

And there it is again this silly argument and this twisting of words.
Typical for those Poettering fanboys.

> But, if the entire Firefox developer community quit and decided
> to do something else (a la Thunderbird) you'd be in a similar boat.
> Sometimes you get what you pay for.

And this again. You know the difference between OpenSource and ClosedSource?

You pay for ClosedSource. For OpenSource you don't need to pay. But I
have neither time nor energy to explain you the philosophy (before
Poetterix) of OpenSource. But I can tell you this much. OpenSource and
its developers usually have no commercial intentions. It seems to be
different for Poettering and his fanboys.

> I get that people who want to avoid systemd are frustrated by this,
> but honestly it feels like spitting against the wind at this point.

And the arrogance and ignorance of Poettering's and his fanboys' again.

> I
> was frustrated back when everybody stopped taking care of kde-3.5 and
> kde-4 wasn't really ready and was a resource hog on older systems.  I
> switched to xfce for a while, because ultimately I can't demand that
> the kde project cater to my whims.

Just compare apples and oranges. Also typical for Poettering and his

The situation with KDE has nothing - and I mean nothing - to do with the
situation with systemd. But I have neither time nor energy to explain
that, too. I would talk to a wall anyway.

> In general though, nobody is required to engage in
> debates/arguments/etc here, or even read your posts.  People choose to
> participate in list discussions just as they choose what software they
> want to maintain.

There they are again: The apples and the oranges.

Heiko Baums

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