On 12/21/2016 06:09 AM, k...@aspodata.se wrote:
> Regarding the controversy about systemd etc.
> The problem isn't that systemd is available, or that there exist a 
> company named Red Had or that there exist a developer named Lennart
> Poettering that develops programs.
> The problem is that an ever increasing amount of programs list systemd 
> or some of its libs as a depenancy. So it is getting harder and harder 
> to opt out.
> The situation is similar to the one with udev and variants. Some 
> programs list udev as a requirement even though there is no requirment
> on technical grounds. I.e. X, I can run X perfectly without udev, I
> just have to make my own xorg.conf, or I might want to run X with udev
> since then it handles multiple keyboards with different layouts 
> automatically. It's like when buying a car, some prefer automats, some
> stick shift. There are pro and cons for both cases.
> Sometimes its useful and sometimes its not needed, why should I be more 
> or less forced to use it in every case ? No one is expecting me to run a 
> webserver on every systems, why then the heated arguments about this ?
> It should be my own decision what to install, not someone elses.
> Regards,
> /Karl Hammar
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Aspö Data
> Lilla Aspö 148
> S-742 94 Östhammar
> Sweden
> +46 173 140 57
The other thing not really mentioned about systemd .... the problems of
"fixing" systems with it.

Its a "one-size-fits-all" solution, just like Windows. If you don't have
a "standard" desktop / notebook ... you are S.O.L.

The old manual method of configuration is extremely flexible, you can
get the "who-knows-where-it-came-from-component" to work. The new
"automagic" of udev / systemd .... forget it. At least with script based
init systems I could change the run level to fix Xorg problems.

The systemd configuration files are designed for programmers, not
technicians. And their is a HUGE difference between "programmers" and
"technicians". Different aptitudes, different skills. The old .conf
files, technicians can easily handle. Requiring everyone to be a
programmer is a really bad idea.

You really don't want to see the "quality" of the code a technician
would produce :(

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