On 12/21/2016 08:28 AM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 8:36 AM, Corbin Bird <corbinb...@charter.net> wrote:
>> The old manual method of configuration is extremely flexible, you can
>> get the "who-knows-where-it-came-from-component" to work. The new
>> "automagic" of udev / systemd .... forget it. At least with script based
>> init systems I could change the run level to fix Xorg problems.
> udev and systemd operate based on text configuration files that are
> declarative in nature.
> You can certainly change the "run level" in systemd (what you'd call a
> runlevel in openrc would be a target in systemd).  You can even pass
> the default target on the kernel command line, or change the default
> target in /etc. As with openrc they aren't numbered and you aren't
> limited to any particular number of them.  There are some standard
> ones out of the box, like multi-user, emergency, getty, basic, etc.
>> The systemd configuration files are designed for programmers, not
>> technicians. And their is a HUGE difference between "programmers" and
>> "technicians". Different aptitudes, different skills. The old .conf
>> files, technicians can easily handle. Requiring everyone to be a
>> programmer is a really bad idea.
> The only "configuration" files openrc supports for services are shell
> scripts, as opposed to declarative configuration files used by
> systemd.  Now, openrc init.d shell scripts might source configuration
> from some text file in /etc/conf.d, but there is nothing that prevents
> systemd units from doing the same.  On Gentoo we stick the settings in
> drop-in files instead, but these are no more complex.
> Here is an example of a Gentoo systemd drop-in:
> /etc/systemd/system/ntpdate.service.d/00gentoo.conf
> [Service]
> Environment="SERVER=0.gentoo.pool.ntp.org 1.gentoo.pool.ntp.org
> 2.gentoo.pool.ntp.org 3.gentoo.pool.ntp.org"
> That hardly requires programming to understand.
> And here is the entire ntpdate unit file:
> /usr/lib/systemd/system/ntpdate.service
> [Unit]
> Description=Set time via NTP using ntpdate
> After=network-online.target nss-lookup.target
> Before=time-sync.target
> Wants=time-sync.target
> Conflicts=systemd-timesyncd.service
> [Service]
> Type=oneshot
> ExecStart=/usr/sbin/ntpdate -b -u $SERVER
> RemainAfterExit=yes
> [Install]
> WantedBy=multi-user.target
> No programming there either.
> Most of the stuff that is hard to understand in the file are the
> dependencies, and that is just because you need to learn the
> terminology that systemd uses, though most of that is straightforward.
> The After= line is roughly equivalent to "use net dns" in openrc,
> though systemd has a lot more virtuals defined out of the box and
> they're more granular.  For example, systemd distinguishes between an
> interface existing, and an interface having an IP/etc, while on openrc
> we have just one virtual that covers the latter.
> I know, it almost sounds like the systemd design is intended to
> support running a diverse service ecosystem.  Go figure...

I noticed what you avoided addressing.

The mailing list is not for "flame wars". I will not respond to any
further comments from you.

Have a nice day.

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