On 12/20/2016 06:33 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> We don't have some
> committee on high pick a winner and tell all the maintainers that they
> all have to move from supporting x to supporting y.

Fair points across the board but this stood out to me. We *do* have
groups that, on some subset of the tree, exert what they feel to be
winners. QA, the KDE team, and GNOME team have all made formal
recommendations or requirements that they expect to see in ebuilds going
forward. QA is blessed by council of course, so they have a bit more
sway. But we're lying if we say we don't have committees making
decisions on packaging guidelines.

That's not the same as choosing a single package and telling every one
to scram, but we're not hands-off, either.

Daniel Campbell - Gentoo Developer
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