On 07/24/2015 10:20 AM, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> Am 24.07.2015 um 14:56 schrieb James:
>> Rich Freeman <rich0 <at> gentoo.org> writes:
>>> Just be practical.  From my experience showing up at a LUG and telling 20 
>>> people how something worked well for you gets you a lot further than 
>>> handing out free T-shirts and hats at a booth.
>> Rich, I'll be practical. Gentoo needs an installer program, like most
>> other distros if you want your rank_n_file users to entice new users.
> nope.
> Gentoo does not need an 'installer'. We have way too many people not
> being able to read simple instructions already or spending 5minutes on
> google&thinking for themselves. Just look at this mailing list. We
> really don't need more of them.

I disagree.  There are always going to be people who don't read
instructions or who don't even share your intuition about things.

The most annoying aspect of using gentoo, and the place most fraught
with potential wasted time, is the initial setup.  It would be nice to
have an installer that setup a complete, minimal graphical desktop,
which could then be reworked by the user to their preferences and needs
because when you start with something working, you are more likely to
end with something working than when you start with something that is
not working and in some contexts doesn't even exist yet.

'Gentoo is difficult' is not an existentially justifiable argument.
'Gentoo works' is.  The more the latter can be advanced even at the
expense of the former, the better Gentoo itself will be.


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