2015-07-25 2:44 GMT-06:00 Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com>:

> Once a year or so this list gets flooded by a new bunch of folks who
> spew forth an unending stream of simple questions and can't be bothered
> to look further than their nose. And these folks never contribute back.
I haven't been that long on this list to see that, but I definitely
have seen what you are talking when I adventured to try funtoo.

If anyone wants to see what making it easier to get installed the
distro does, advice you to go on the funtoo forums, and see what 'user
centric' does to a source-based distro, (Funtoo has some good ideas
but it's community is rather disappointing) although I attribute the
influx of these 'I want free support' users mostly because the
anti-systemd stance of funtoo, really useful to driver ignorant
emotional people to be your users.

That said I'm all for an installer graphical and remote(as I read in
so), that gives advanced user options, and has a big notice that says

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