On Friday 24 Jul 2015 18:56:02 James wrote:
> Mick <michaelkintzios <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > Perhaps if in addition a new mailing list for graphical-install users
> > only was created, the arrival of an automated graphical installer would
> > not raise the signal to noise ratio in the gentoo-user M/L.
> So you consider an installer program for gentoo, or our public relations
> as a distro to be out_of_band for gentoo-user?


> Really?

I have nothing against alternative methods of installation.  However, if the 
level of adoption becomes really high then the nature and direction of Gentoo 
could well change.  I am guessing it will change to something akin to *buntu. 
I like Gentoo as is and I would very much not want to see it becoming yet 
another kind of binary distro.  There's enough binary distros with polished 
installers already, to offer choice to those who prefer a quick install during 
their sales pitch.

In addition, if you visit the Ubuntu/Mint/et al. lists you will see that the 
noise is really drowning the signal.

>  The graphical part was brought up on gentoo-dev, as well as here. Besides
> maffblaster was talking about a CLI installer to start with.
> Is that  CLI installer out of band on gentoo_user too?
> Just look at the recents post many deal with installation issues; because
> installing of gentoo systems  *is broken*, or at least way over due for
> a facelift, imho.

I wasn't broken when I used it a few months ago.


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