Volker Armin Hemmann <volkerarmin <at> googlemail.com> writes:

> > Rich, I'll be practical. Gentoo needs an installer program, like most
> > other distros if you want your rank_n_file users to entice new users.

> nope.
> Gentoo does not need an 'installer'. We have way too many people not
> being able to read simple instructions already or spending 5minutes on
> google&thinking for themselves. Just look at this mailing list. We
> really don't need more of them.

Really? If that all there is to it, then we would have lots of users;
many can and do read. Here are a few snippets from the gentoo-dev list
on the subject of a new installer::

"Hi Matthew
I fancy your idea a lot. We ought to do it for complete newbies who are new
to Gentoo but would like to give the distribution a shot nonetheless. I
fondly remember my first attempt who took me ages to complete."

"The goal of the web interface would allow for "unattended graphical
installs." "

" Maybe a bit off-topic, but occasionally I need a tool to "fast
install Gentoo and fine-tune it later" "

"So a quick sabayon install and update via entropy, followed by an update 
of the portage config (the entropy package updates will have diverged 
from the initially synced state) using the appropriate tool, should leave 
you with a generally current and synced system built from binaries.
That's your working system at end-of-day."

Just a few, but you get the point. There's more if you look.

If folks do not want a graphical installer nobody would force them to
use it. Many would prefer a graphical installer that is mostly unattended;
so for that reason, why not? Nobody is say you have to use it; it just
becomes and option. You are certainly entitled to your opinion; but that's
not going to grow the user base, imho.


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