On Mon, 10 Aug 2015 00:40:44 +0200 Michał Górny wrote:
> > > Which is terribly redundant. Just put the whole bug URL. Advantages:
> > > 
> > > - keeps the bug namespaced to bugs.gentoo.org,
> > > - has the bug no inside,
> > > - is convenient -- you can click it instead of copy-pasting the no.
> > 
> > 1. URL may change in future, bug number — unlikely.
> If the URL changes, we need to provide backwards compatibility. Too
> many resources already depend on that.
> > 2. Bug number can be easily typed, URL has to be copied or
> > generated by some tool.
> So, please remind me, how many times the 'easy typing' got the bug
> number wrong? This is not a real argument, just another of Gentoo's
> 'I'm too lazy to do things right'.

URLs are longer, so probability of error during typing increases
compared to raw numbers.
> > 3. Too many text, hard to read. Some bugs may refer to a dozen of
> > URLs.
> And how is a dozen numbers better?

Less text, more readable.
> > 4. It is easier to copy a number, than selecting and copying whole
> > string. Not all terminals support running browser on URL click.
> So we should optimize for a corner case?

What is a corner case? Why not defining "clicking on the link in
the git log" as a corner case?

> > 5. Clicking is less convenient than typing "bugs search $number" —
> > user have to move hands from a keyboard to a mouse — a terrible
> > waste of time, at least in my case with my typing speed.
> You can type the number you see at the end of the URL. If you really
> want to go l33t, that shouldn't a problem for you.
This is not a matter of going l33t, this is a matter of getting rid
of redundant and pretty much useless data all the same through
almost all commit messages.

Best regards,
Andrew Savchenko

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