Ned Ludd wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 16:07 +0200, Jakub Moc wrote:
>> Because it's been broken for ages? Because I've asked the same on the
>> bug I've referred to multiple times, as did quite a few other people,
>> and the thing is still dead ~3 hours a day? (So uhm, the argument that
>> infra doesn't know about is _really_ moot.) Because users complain over
>> and over again? Because we are getting tons of duplicate bugs due to
>> bugzilla being non-responsive? 
> Ok this is basically bitching. Trust me we all know the current state 
> of things with bugzilla and it's not fun for anybody. I'm sure 
> however if you practice a little patience I'm sure you will be 
> quite pleased with the end result.

A little patience? As in half year is not enough?

>> Because it's wasting hours of my time
>> every day? Because if CVS was in the same state, you'd about have a
>> revolution by now?
> I think you might be misunderstanding the role that the council plays. 
> It's a body for technical matters that effect the mainly "the code". 
> Daily matters of infrastructure are handled by our infra team naturally.
> Funding for hardware is approved by the foundation.

Well, I think council should care about things that affect Gentoo as a
whole, and apparently that's not just me:

The elected Gentoo Council decides on global issues and policies that
affect multiple projects in Gentoo.

Broken bugzilla affects every ebuild dev, affects GDP, affects bug
wranglers, affects anyone else who's using it to track outstanding
project issues. How is this continuous borkage not a global issue that
council should discuss?

> You must live in that town where spare hardware and administrators 
> grow on the trees.

No, not really. Just that I'd expect kinda more proactive approach than
the one demonstrated fex. in (and a bit more
flexible approach to other alternatives, such as HW/hosting offers we've
received before) and that have been declined for various strange reasons.

Best regards,

 Jakub Moc
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